Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Just the facts

Here are some statistics that have stuck out to me in my research on Zimbabwe. The needs are truly overwhelming.

Population: 12,236,805
Life expectancy at birth: 37.2 yrs
Median age: 19.9 years

Percentage of adults living with HIV/AIDS: 20.1%
Estimated number of people infected per day: 565
Orphans due to AIDS: 1,100,000

GNI per capita in US dollars: $480
GDP growth (annual %): -4.2%
Unemployment rate: 80%
Population below poverty line: 80%
Percentage of population below $1 a day: 56%

Check out these links for more in-depth information on this country in crisis.
HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe
A Family of Orphans

Thanks to World Bank, UNICEF, CIA World Factbook, and avert.org for providing the statistics.


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