Friday, September 15, 2006


by Morris Matseketsa, ASAP Africa

I woke up in the morning
Open my eyes
And there’s the world
I look in the mist mirror
And I see it’s me

I hear the rain spattering outside my tiny room
I pondered for a moment
I dressed myself and bend over to pull on my unpolished pinch shoes
This is an ordinary beginning to another laborious and monotonous day
For a rural Zimbabwean child!

It’s almost time for my first lesson
How I wish it was a weekend
I ran to school on an empty stomach,
The heavy drops of rain spattering on the empty mealie meal bag covering my head
Utterly exhausted and drenched
I entered in a small, dimly lit room
Packed with more than 60 pupils
Emphatically I tried to suppress my noisy breath
I sat on a rugged metal chair
Everyone’s gaze is directed at me
I retrieved a semi drenched science notebook from my old satchel
What a normal start for a rural Zimbabwean child!

The teacher is busy arranging his tattered apparatus in front of the class
Then something unreeled and clattered on the potholed floor
What a day for a rural Zimbabwean child!

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