Catholic Releif Services Partners with ASAP Africa to help Children affected by HIV/AIDS
42,000 children will benefit from the new Out of School Adolescents Support Project. ASAP Africa has partnered with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and four other consortium partners on a new project to identify and address the needs of out of school adolescents in Zimbabwe affected by HIV/AIDS. The OSA-SP project will work to improve the economic, food security, health and psychosocial well being of 42,000 out-of-school children in Zimbabwe. Currently, more than 60% of the targeted adolescents have lost one or both parents to HIV and AIDS. Many youth are dropping out of school due to the economic hardships. Without parental guidance, these children lack understanding of HIV and AIDS, sexuality and need relevant vocational skills that will enable each one to earn a basic living.
Hi Guys im really happy with the progress and sucess you are achieving especially the expansion project to Malawi in the endevours to alliviate poverty in Africa! ASAP team well done keep it up !!!
Raymond Mereta
Development studies Student Namibia
Former ASAP employee 2003
Hi Guys,
Great blog site. I look forward to also hearing about the ASAP - Concern partnership in Katerere soon.
Hi Guys,
Great blog site. I look forward to also hearing about the ASAP - Concern partnership in Katerere soon.
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